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There are a couple of things to know. First, the production team maintains a Trello board where they keep track of ongoing tasks. This board is a place where you can see the team's ongoing responsibilities. Additional responsibilities related to the team will be added here at a later date. You should also be aware that other responsibilities are listed in this >> area.

Furthermore, we have a new Action Trello board specifically for our game, Sky Jellies. This means only tasks related to our game goes on that new Action Trello board. This also means that every member has their own personal Trello board where tasks un-related to Sky Jellies go on.

Facilitate cross-team communication

When making a game, cross-team dependencies between areas like art and programming require strong communication. As a producer, it's your job to ensure that communication flows smoothly. Instead of offering a step-by-step guide, we encourage your team to create one. Establish roles specifically for facilitating cross-team communication and assign people to those roles in a weekly ceremony.

Ensure teams follow processes

In volunteer teams, some people may focus only on tasks they enjoy, neglecting essential tasks like cleanup and documentation. As a member of the production team, it's your job to ensure each team is doing the clean up and "boring jobs" needed to make a team function.

A list of those boring jobs can be understood by seeing what we use Trust to incentivize.


One of the riskiest things for an inexperienced team that doesn't handle feedback well is to conduct a retrospective that ends up causing discouragement.

As part of the production team, your job is to ensure that teams reflect on improvements in a problem-solving, positive mindset on a weekly basis.

Note that as of September 21, 2023, we don't hold retrospectives for individual teams and only conduct them infrequently for the full team.


Ensuring proper onboarding and retention of team members is a key responsibility of the production team. Regularly discussing this and reflecting on how to improve during retrospectives is essential.


A very important part of what the production team does is to ensure that each team is recruiting enough people so that they have the talent to fulfill the jobs in front of them. It's crucial to explain why this matters, especially for volunteer teams. Many individuals join volunteer teams to build their portfolios and advance their careers. As a result, these teams naturally experience an outflow of people who have met their objectives and moved on, which is normal and should be celebrated.

However, it's equally important to maintain a consistent inflow of new talent to fill the ranks and keep the team functional. The production team needs to encourage an understanding of this dynamic and monitor it closely. Metrics can be a useful tool for this purpose, allowing the team to assess the effectiveness of their recruitment strategies and take corrective action when necessary.

By regularly revealing these metrics to each team, the production team can help them understand how they are performing in terms of recruitment and what steps they can take to improve. This ensures that the teams remain vibrant, capable, and able to meet their objectives, even if members come and go.

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