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The production team holds a daily meeting every day as a team. These happen during primary time.

During that time they cover the Production Team Checklist in Production Chat.

🥇 GOAL: Ensure someone goes back to the main meeting to cover interviews.

🟦🟦🟦 Send out an interviewer

🔹 Say: Anyone elected to lead interviews in the main meeting today? Speak up or let me know.
🔹 Hold election if needed for today's interviewer.

🥇 GOAL: Make sure the maximum number of people attend the production meeting

🟦🟦🟦 Invitations

🔹 Have everyone mention 4 people who are not in the meeting. E.g.
🔹 Have everyone send a direct message to those they tagged:
-- *"hey, we are doing a team meeting, come join us"*
🔹 Say: If you tagged 4 people and also send the message you sent them type: Yes, I tagged and DMed 4 people, here is the message I sent: " " in chat and you will be awarded 300 Faithfulness.
🔹 Say: Faithfulness allows you to pair up and learn from the best people here when it comes to Co-Mentorship sessions! You can also trade it for Trust.
🔹 Set a 10 min timer & read the next steps while you wait

NOTE: Production needs more than just team-splitting and helping out. Members should focus on nurturing servant leaders throughout these teams, building them from the ground up to lead their own teams and foster independence.